24. Pradosha Vrata - 2.

Pradosha is the worship of Lord Shiva and Parvati when they both are in an extremely propitious mood.

Repeatedly worsted in war by the demons, the gods approached Lord Shiva to bless them with a leader for their celestial hosts.

They came to the Lord at twilight on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight and found Him in the blissful company of His consort, Parvati.

Hymned and glorified by them, Siva immediately granted their prayerful request. Hence, the extreme auspiciousness of the period.

    The Skanda Purana relates how Sandilya Muni prescribed this Vrata to a certain Brahmin lady.

She came to the sage with two boys, her son, Suchivrata, and an orphan prince, Dharmagupta, whose father was slain in battle and the kingdom overrun by enemies.

    Acting upon the advice of the sage, the woman and the boys performed the Vrata with great devotion.

After four months, that is, in the eighth Pradosha, Suchivrata obtained a pot of nectar and drank the divine ambrosia.

Prince Dharmagupta won the hand of a celestial princess and, as ordered by Lord Siva, with the help of the celestial king himself, his enemies were slain and his kingdom restored to him.

Then Dharmagupta attained the Lord’s supreme abode.

So easily, and yet so greatly is the Lord of Kailas pleased by this Vrata.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  .....


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