24. Pradosha Vrata - 4.2

2. Let me now describe the actual process of Shiva-Raja Yoga:2

    The Yogi then passes through an entirely different experience.

He suddenly awakens from a deep sleep.

He does not remember when he got into the sleep state, but he is conscious of the sudden awakening.

The truth is that he had not slept at all.

His mind became a complete blank, he lost consciousness of the workings of the mind, which was nonetheless still active all the time.

When he regained consciousness, he suddenly felt his awareness once again.

He is now tempted to examine himself to ascertain if his posture is still erect and if his eyes are still fixed between his eyebrows.

Finding no change in these he realises that the temporary loss of consciousness was only a stage which he passed through in his Yoga.

    Next comes the stage when he feels as if something of the nature of a hot nail is pricking him at the centre of his eyebrows.

In the earlier period of his practice there will only be this sensation, but as he advances, this is followed by the appearance of the lights.

Even then there are various stages which have to be passed before the lights get their proper shape.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  .....


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