All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism :


 1.The Scriptures : 2.

 2. The Smritis : 1.

Next in importance to the Sruti are the Smritis or secondary scriptures.

These are the ancient sacred law-codes of the Hindus dealing with the Sanatana-Varnasrama-Dharma.

They supplement and explain the ritualistic injunctions called Vidhis in the Vedas.

The Smriti Sastra is founded on the Sruti.

The Smritis are based on the teachings of the Vedas.

The Smriti stands next in authority to the Sruti.

 It explains and develops Dharma.

It lays down the laws which regulate Hindu national, social, family and individual obligations.

The works which are expressly called Smritis are the law books, Dharma Sastras. Smriti, in a broader sense, covers all Hindu Sastras save the Vedas.

Swami Sivananda
  To be continued  ....



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