All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism :

  1.The Scriptures : 2.
  2. The Smritis : 2.

The laws for regulating Hindu society from time to time are codified in the Smritis.
The Smritis have laid down definite rules and laws to guide the individuals and communities in their daily conduct and to regulate their manners and customs.
The Smritis have given detailed instructions, according to the conditions of the time, to all classes of men regarding their duties in life.

The Hindu learns how he has to spend his whole life from these Smritis.
The duties of Varnasrama and all ceremonies are clearly given in these books.
The Smritis prescribe certain acts and prohibit some others for a Hindu, according to his birth and stage of life.
The object of the Smritis is to purify the heart of man and take him gradually to the supreme abode of immortality and make him perfect and free.

These Smritis have varied from time to time.
The injunctions and prohibitions of the Smritis are related to the particular social surroundings.
As these surroundings and essential conditions of the Hindu society changed from time to time, new Smritis had to be compiled by the sages of different ages and different parts of India.
Next : 2.The Celebrated Hindu Law-Givers-1.
Swami Sivananda
  To be continued  ....



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