All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism :

     1.The Scriptures : 10.4
10. The Eighteen Puranas-4
4. Utility of the Puranas

Study of the Puranas, listening to sacred recitals of scriptures, describing and expounding of the transcendent Lilas of the Blessed Lord—these form an important part of Sadhana of the Lord’s devotees.
It is most pleasing to the Lord.
Sravana is a part of Navavidha-Bhakti. Kathas and Upanyasas open the springs of devotion in the hearts of hearers and develop Prema-Bhakti which confers immortality on the Jiva.

The language of the Vedas is archaic, and the subtle philosophy of Vedanta and the Upanishads is extremely difficult to grasp and assimilate.
Hence, the Puranas are of special value as they present philosophical truths and precious teachings in an easier manner.
They give ready access to the mysteries of life and the key to bliss.
Imbibe their teachings.
Start a new life of Dharma-Nishtha and Adhyatmic Sadhana from this very day.

Next : 11. The Agamas
Swami Sivananda
     To be continued....


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