INDIAN ( Bharatiya ) IDEALS OF LIFE : 2.9. ( Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here.


            All Members,
       Respected family members of this great holy Nation.


         Sub : INDIAN ( Bharatiya ) IDEALS OF LIFE : 2.9
     Swami Chidananda

          (A series of 3 talks given by Param Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on the mornings of December 20, 21 and 22 1999, at the Sangeet Kala Kendra, Kolkata)

          Ref :  Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ..

        Dear Children of this Holy Nation -

       Second Talk - 9.


The world is not maintained by Sadhus who are living isolated in the Himalayas!
Though the Hindu scriptures have eulogised Sannyasa, they have also boldly declared that the Grihastha is the pivot of the whole society since the members of the other three Ashramas depend upon him for their sustenance.

The central government, state government, the airlines, etc., are all manned by the people who are in the world, who are in the Grihastha-ashrama. If there is no Grihasthaashrama, there will be no continuance of lineage.
Because they have progeny, generation after generation are kept up. Therefore, it is the Dharma of the Grihastha to create progeny so that they contribute for making the next generation.

And if one is without progeny, the Shastras enjoin that the Grihastha must take a second wife to have children and possibly a son, so that the family lineage is kept up.
And so, the great ideal before us for all times is Pativratya for the Nari and Eka-patni Vrata for the Sad-grihastha.
And the highest ideal of Eka-patni Vrata is that of Maryada Purushottama Bhagawan Sri Ramachandra.

When Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshmana were in exile in the forest, the sister of Ravana, Shurpanakha, comes across the Lord.
Struck by his princely radiance and charm, she takes the form of a beautiful damsel and appears before Lord Rama and entreats him to take her as his wife. Lord Rama stoutly refuses her pleas on the grounds that he already has a wife and that he strictly adheres to the ‘Eka-patni-Vrata’.

Thus Bhagawan Sri Ramachandra stands as the great ideal for all husbands; and for all wives it is that of Maha-pativrata Anasuya, one of the most celebrated women of Hindu mythology, who forever stands as a model of wifely virtues and testimonies that the power of chastity can bring nature under ones control.

Thank you for reading
     To be continued....


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