MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND-3-10.5.6 ( Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here.

Again I say, you must work for it. You must climb up if you want to reach the peak, and when once you are on the pinnacle, all labour seems as mere child’s play. Until then, you must be able to laboriously climb up, step by step. Hold on to the Awareness and feel that you are already on the peak, but don’t stop climbing. Climb up and up, step by step. This is the secret of Sadhana. Opinion 31/01/2018 1112 All Members, Respected family members of this great holy Nation. *REQUEST ALL STUDENTS, PARENTS AND TEACHERS MUST READ THIS TOPIC **IT IS URGENT IMPORTANCE IN THE PRESENT SITUATION OF THE NATION ( VERY IMPORTANT AND USEFUL CHAPTER FOR STUDENTS ) Sub : MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND : 3-10.5.6 ...