MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND-3-10.5.6 ( Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here.

Again I say, you must work for it. You must climb up if you want to reach the peak, and when once you are on the pinnacle, all labour seems as mere child’s play. Until then, you must be able to laboriously climb up, step by step. Hold on to the Awareness and feel that you are already on the peak, but don’t stop climbing. Climb up and up, step by step. This is the secret of Sadhana.


All Members,
         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.


             Sub :   MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND : 3-10.5.6
     Swami Chidananda

              (A series of 3 talks given by Param Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on the mornings of December 20, 21 and 22 1999, at the Sangeet Kala Kendra, Kolkata)

                Ref :  Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ..

 Dear Children of this Holy Nation -


5. Srimad Bhagavad Gita-6.

In this process you may fail not once or ten times, but a hundred or thousand times. Sadhana is going from bigger failures to smaller failures. They are progressively lesser.

When you wish to see the whole world as the Atman, you plunge into meditation; the moment you open your eyes, the moment you come into Vyavahara, you see that one man is good and another is bad. Heroism is therefore needed in a man who has set himself to go forth and capture the Atmic experience.

He does not care for discouragement at all. Then he will progress and he will get what he has set himself to get.

The first chapter of the Gita asks you to be bold and courageous. It stresses upon heroism and strength. The second chapter is full of wonderful Viveka and Vichara. Always discriminate between the Permanent and the evanescent.

It reminds you, “The Immortal Atman does not die with the body.” This truth of the distinction between the body, mind and Prana on the one side, and the glorious, ever-perfect Atman on the other, is taught in this chapter.

In the twelfth chapter is taught the way of transmuting emotions.

The last eight verses of the twelfth chapter give you the Yoga of devotion.

The tenth chapter gives you the experience of the Cosmic Being and the secret as well, how to keep up the Consciousness of the Atman.

The fourteenth chapter gives you the secret—how to make yourself completely Sattvic, because Sattva is the nearest approach to divinity. Only after being established in Sattva can you reach the transcendental.

The sixteenth chapter tells you how to recognise that which is undivine so that you may put forth effort, to erase them from your personality, and how to recognise all that is divine so that you may diligently and earnestly strive to acquire them.

The fifteenth chapter tells you how to live your life as a sacrifice, and how to recognise the Atman which is immanent in all. The Gita deals with all important aspects of practical Sadhana which lead us to the realisation of the Upanishadic wisdom of Aparoksha Anubhuti.

These we have to follow, and also enshrine the practical Sadhana of the Gita in our hearts. We have to live in a constant state of humble surrender to the Lord who is manifest as the Sat-Guru and if we thus live and carry on our Sadhana with perfect Vairagya, always choosing the Sreyas, every time a choice is put before us, rejecting the Preyas, then our Sadhana will become fruitful; the ultimate attainment is in the hands of the Lord. May you all lead the Gita way of life and attain Supreme Happiness!

To be continued ..

Next : 6. Guru And Disciple
Swami Chidananda


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