All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.6.2.10 to 15.

30/07/2018 CHAPTER- 6.2.8 1. Hindu Rituals -2.10 to 15 2. The Ceremony-10 to 15 10.Pumsavana, 11. Simantonnayana, 12. Jatakarma, 13. Namakarana, 14. Annaprasana, 15. Chudakarma ........................................................................................................................................................... 10.Pumsavana, In the third month, the Pumsavana is performed with Mantras. The food-sheath and the vital-sheath of the child are formed. 11. Simantonnayana The Simantonnayana is performed at the seventh month with recitation of Veda Mantras. This protects the mother from evil influences and bestows health on the child. The above three Samskaras protect the mother and the child. The body of the child develops nicely. The harmonious vibrations set up by the recitation of Mantras and the performance of the ceremonies help in shaping the body of the child beautifully. 12. Jatakarma The next Samskara, the ceremony performed immediately after ...