All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.6.2.10 to 15.

CHAPTER- 6.2.8
1. Hindu Rituals -2.10 to 15
2. The Ceremony-10 to 15

10.Pumsavana, 11. Simantonnayana, 12. Jatakarma, 13. Namakarana, 14. Annaprasana, 15. Chudakarma


In the third month, the Pumsavana is performed with Mantras. The food-sheath and the vital-sheath of the child are formed.

11. Simantonnayana

The Simantonnayana is performed at the seventh month with recitation of Veda Mantras. This protects the mother from evil influences and bestows health on the child. The above three Samskaras protect the mother and the child. The body of the child develops nicely. The harmonious vibrations set up by the recitation of Mantras and the performance of the ceremonies help in shaping the body of the child beautifully.

12. Jatakarma

The next Samskara, the ceremony performed immediately after the birth of the child, is the Jatakarma. The father welcomes his new-born child. He prays for its long life, intelligence and well-being, and feeds it with honey and butter.

13. Namakarana

Then comes Namakarana or the naming ceremony. The new-born child is given a name on the tenth, eleventh or twelfth day with recitation of Mantras.

14. Annaprasana

The Annaprasana comes in the sixth month when the child is given solid food for the first time. Mantras are recited and oblations are offered to the various deities.

15. Chudakarma

The Chudakarma, the tonsure or shaving of the head, is performed in the first or third year. The Karnavedha or ear-boring ceremony is performed in the fifth or the seventh year or at the end of the first year with the Chudakarma. The body of the child is protected and harmonised by these ceremonies. Any hereditary defect that arises from defect of semen and embryo is removed. Vidyarambha also is another Samskara. Alphabet is taught to the child. This is also known by the name Aksharabhyasa. These Samskaras pertain to the child stage of life.

To be continued ..


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