All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.6.2.17,18,&19.

CHAPTER- 6.2.17,18,&19.
2. The Ceremony-17. Samavartanam, 18. Vivaham, 19. The Last Two Stages Of Life

17. Samavartanam : -

Then comes the end of the student stage, the Samavartana. The student, having completed the Vedic studies and the Vratas, presents his preceptor with a gift and obtains permission to take the formal bath which marks the close of his student-career. He returns home and performs the Samavartana, the returning ceremony. He is now ready to marry and enter the second stage or Grihastha Asrama, the life of a householder.

18. Vivaham :-

Vivaha is marriage or entry into the second Asrama. The life of the householder begins. Now he takes up his duties as man and pays his spiritual debts by sacrifice, by study and by procreating children. The bridegroom tells the bride: “I take your hand for good fortune.” They walk round the sacred fire hand-in-hand. The bride sacrifices grains in the fire and prays: “May my husband live long. May my relations increase.”

19. The Last Two Stages Of Life :-

There are two more stages, viz., Vanaprastha and Sannyasa, with their rites.

1.Man withdraws himself from all worldly activities, retires into the forest and prepares himself for taking Sannyasa. This is the life of a Vanaprastha.

2.A Sannyasin renounces the world and leads a life of study and meditation by living on alms.
Pretakarma is funeral rite. When a man dies, the funeral ceremonies are performed by his son and heir.

To be continued ..


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