All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.7- 6.2. - Swami Sivananda


6.The Philosophy And Significance Of Idol-Worship -2.
2.An Integral Part Of Virat

For a beginner, Pratima is an absolute necessity. By worshipping an idol, Isvara is pleased. The Pratima is made up of five elements. Five elements constitute the body of the Lord. The idol remains an idol, but the worship goes to the Lord.


If you shake hands with a man, he is highly pleased. 

You have touched only a small part of his body and yet he is happy. 

He smiles and welcomes you. 

Even so, the Lord is highly pleased when a small portion of His Virat (cosmic) body is worshipped. 

An idol is a part of the body of the Lord. 

The whole world is His body, Virat form. 

The devotion goes to the Lord. The worshipper superimposes on the image the Lord and all His attributes. He does Shodasopachara for the idol, the sixteen kinds of paying respects or service to the Lord. 

The presence of the Deity is invoked (Avahana). 

Then a seat (Asana) is offered. 

Then the feet are washed (Padya). 

Then offering of water is given (Arghya). Arghya is offering hospitality. 

Then comes bathing (Snana). 

Then the image is dressed (Vastra). 

Then comes the investiture with the sacred thread (Yajnopavita). 

Then sandal paste (Chandana) is offered. 

Then comes offering of flowers (Pushpa). 

They are the symbols of the heart-flowers of devotion, love and reverence. 

Then incense is burnt (Dhupa). 

Then a lamp is lit and waved before the Deity (Dipa). 

Then food is offered (Naivedya). 

Then betel is offered (Tambula). 

Then camphor is burnt (Nirajana). 

Then Svarnapushpa (gift of gold) is offered.

In the end, the Deity is bidden farewell to (Visarjana). 

### In these external forms of worship, the inner love finds expression. The wandering mind is fixed now in this form of worship. The aspirant gradually feels the nearness of the Lord. He attains purity of heart and slowly annihilates his egoism.

To the worshipper who believes the symbol, any kind of image is the body of the Lord under the form of stone, clay, brass, picture, Saligrama, etc. Such worship can never be idolatry. All matter is a manifestation of God. God is present in everything which exists. 

Everything is an object of worship, for all is a manifestation of God who is therein worshipped. The very act of worship implies that the object of worship is superior and conscious. This way of looking at things must be attained by the devotee. The untutored mind must be trained to view things in the above manner.

Next : Idol-Worship Develops Devotion

To be continued ....



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