MESSAGE TO STUDENTS : 11. - Sri Swami Chidananda.


# OPINION : Sunday, April 18, 2021. 07:09. AM. 2366. 

MESSAGE TO STUDENTS - Sri Swami Chidananda.
(Lecture delivered by Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj at the 1st Zonal Orissa Divine Life Conference at Khurda Road on 1st December 1974)
Dear Parents, Children, and Teachers,

Ref : "To Children and Youth of Bharatham who are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, and all regional criminal politics etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here." ##Teaching of Subjects :- 1. Sanskrit, Scriptures, 2. Great Rishi-s, Acharyas, and great Guru-s of this Nation; 3. To bring back lost glory of this Nation, before this generation; 4. To create enthusiasm on the self-respect of this country, 5. More important to develop character in children and citizens. Read and follow : What Swami Chidananda. is explaining to us : Let us be spiritually awakened human beings first."


Success or failure in life depend upon how you have lived the first quarter of your life, and in this connection they have laid down three great duties. What are the duties for the youth and the Vidyarthi (student) in the Brahmacharya Ashrama? One important duty is self-evident. The student’s first concern is to attain knowledge—acquire knowledge. But in your ancient culture knowledge was not merely confined to history, science, mathematics, civics. It also meant knowledge of a profession and knowledge of life; how to live an ideal life. Why have you come here? To know your real nature! It meant Naitika Vidya (moral science), Naitika Shikshana or Dharmic Vidya. It also meant Adhyatma Vidya (Self knowledge). You have to learn Bhautika Vidya (material knowledge) in order to have Udyoga (business) and be independent, earning income and be able to support your wife and children when you enter the second Ashram, the Grihastha Ashrama. But if you want to live a noble life and get a good name in society, you must know what Dharma is, what Niti (ethics) is. So study Manu Dharmashastra, Yajnavalkya Smriti, the science of right conduct. You must also learn Naitika Shiksha (moral education).


Each student must know the Srimad Bhagavad Gita by heart, and you must learn a little Sanskrit. The Gita contains the essence of Adhyatma Vidya (spiritual knowledge). Your whole Sanskriti is based upon knowledge, the knowledge of the Vedas. Your Dharma is called Vedic Dharma, and the real name of our religion is Sanatana Dharma or Vaidic Dharma, which means Dharma based upon Vedas and the wisdom of Vedas contained in the Upanishad. The essence of the Upanishads is given in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita—containing only 700 Slokas. If you learn by heart one Sloka every day, in two years the whole Gita will be at your command. If you are more eager, if you learn by heart one Sloka in the morning and one Sloka in the evening, then in one year you will know the entire eighteen chapters or 700 Slokas by heart. In the Gita is the essence of the Upanishads—the essence of your Adhyatma Vidya—spiritual wisdom. So to attain wisdom, to attain knowledge—secular knowledge, ethical knowledge and spiritual knowledge is one of the primary duties of students in the Brahmacharya Ashrama.


Secondly, if you want to make use of your own Vidya, your secular ethical and your spiritual wisdom—you have to translate it into action. You must live it, and you can effectively practise whatever you have learnt only if your health is good, if you have got a strong, healthy body.Therefore the second important duty of the student is a Dharmartha Kama moksha-nam arogya mulamuttamam. The basis, the root of Dharma, Artha. Kama, Moksha is a strong and healthy body. There fore you must daily do exercises, Asana, Pranayama, Surya-Namaskar and develop a very strong body. You must cultivate healthy habits. Go to bed early, wake up very early in the morning. Take a cold bath. Do some Surya-Namaskar. Have some Asana practice, do vigorous physical exercise and eat moderately. First you must have a Vajrakaya (strong body) like Maruti. Hanuman should be your ideal. Bhishma should be your ideal. Swami Vivekananda should be your ideal and Bhima or Laksh mana should be your ideal. In this way you should be strong in your body. Then only you will have strength of mind. Because body and mind are interconnected. If the body is weak, the mind cannot be strong. You cannot develop will power. Therefore developing a strong body and establishing sound physical health—Arogya (health) is the second important duty. 

To be continued ...



### Role of parents and teachers in a child's life :

1.School, teachers and parents play vital role in holistic and the teacher is the second. Both have an immense contribution and responsibility in shaping child’s personality.

2.Role of parents : Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. Children acquire skills at the parent and teacher is a real secret of child’s happy learn very early stage of their life if the parents are responsive and development of the child. Parents are the first mentor of the child understanding.

3.Teacher-Parent Relationship :Trust and mutual understanding between ing. Support and Cooperativeness from parents towards teacher helps a lot to connect, understand and work towards child. Remarkable positive change is seen in a child if the parents and teacher understand and work hand in hand. A good parent teacher relationship leads child to be positive towards attending school.





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