Ordinary men:- To the ordinary man, his body is himself. His identification with the body is deep and strong. He lives for the body, strives for the body, and knows no other mission in life than sensuous joys. To such a one, living such a low level of existence, the only relationship he could have with the Absolute must be one of separateness and slavery. Another class of men :- These have slightly grown up and have come to recognise that they are not only the bodies but also creatures endowed with mind and intellect. Such men, have, therefore, come to recognise the existence and the workings of the psychological personalities in them. To them, they being not merely their bodies man is not a perishable intellectual worm but is sacred creature possessing almost godly powers evident in the manifestations of the mind and the intellect. They review the achievements of science and poetry; they recognise the thinkers and discoverers; they take into account the to...