All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : 2.1.1.b.1


The Scriptures :

1. The Srutis : b.1

 b). The Four Vedas and Their Sub Divisions : 1.

The Veda is divided into four great books : -

1. the Rig-Veda, 2. the Yajur-Veda,3.  the Sama-Veda and 4. the Atharva-Veda.

The Yajur-Veda is again divided into two parts, 1. the Sukla and  2. the Krishna.

The Krishna or the Taittiriya is the older book and the Sukla or the Vajasaneya is a later revelation to sage Yajnavalkya from the resplendent Sun-God.

The Rig-Veda is divided into twenty-one sections,

the Yajur-Veda into one hundred and nine sections,

the Sama-Veda into one thousand sections and

the Atharva-Veda into fifty sections.

In all, the whole Veda is thus divided into one thousand one hundred and eighty recensions.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ....


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