1. Half-understanding of our Scriptures is more dangerous than not knowing it at all.

2. It is probably, the half-learned book-worms that have brought about in Bharatham the tragic tradition that the realized  saint has, after the Self-discovery, no work to perform.

3. There are no doubt, statements to that effect in the scriptures, but therein, any one who is well initiated into the truth of the literature can understand that Sruti has meant only the renunciation of all desire-prompted egoistic actions.

4. This statement cannot and should not be taken no mean a licence of inaction or a merciless indifference to the needs of the times and to the sufferings of the generation.

5. It is only in the interpretation of decadent Hinduism, given out by a self-indulgent pandita-class mainly to an audience who are themselves idle and ineffective, that such distortion of our noble philosophy has come to be perpetuated.

6. Renascent Hinduism cannot and will not willingly allow such a dangerous and ugly ideology to muddy the serene waters of the Upanisadik philosophy.   


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