"Divinity in Human Nature and Qualities of a Perfect Human Being " :.....

1. Divinity in Human Nature (BG-CH.16 -Slokams  2 & 3) The virtues that include Nonviolence, truth, freedom from
anger, renunciation, tranquility, aversion to fault finding, compassion to living beings, freedom
from covetousness, gentleness, modesty and steadiness, vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, purity,
freedom from malice and excessive pride belong to True Human nature unified with Divinity.

Qualities of a Perfect Human Being (BG-CH.17 - Slokams 14 to 16) Worship of the Gods, of the twice-born, of
teachers and of the wise, purity, uprightness, austerity and nonviolence, the utterance of
non-offensive speech, serenity of mind, gentleness, silence and self-control are the necessary

standard to become more perfect.


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