"Principal of Existence": ---


1. If the life-centre, the Atma were not within a body, it is obvious that, the body will not continue to breathe.

2. Atma is the one who maintains the flow of the different vital airs through our body and maintains it alive and active till death.


3. There are five principal kinds of vital energy, because of which the physical body functions.


4. They are known by different names according to the function they perform, although they altogether constitute the one and the same Principle of Existence.


5. The five principle kinds of Pranas are called:-


a).  Prana:- When cosmic power manifests through the work of the lungs and the respiratory organs;


b). Apana:- When it works in the colon and bladders;


c). Samana:- When it works through the digestive system,


d). Udana:- When it works through the larynx and produces voice and;


e). Vyana:- When it expresses itself through the blood circulation in the body.


6. Thus, it is noted carefully that Prana is not merely breath. Prana is the vital energy, and breath is only one of its various manifestations.  


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