


Hindu Scriptures:-




Hindu Scriptures are broadly classified into Sruti (heard and transmitted), Smriti (remembered and
collated), Itihaasa (epics), Purana (stories and values) and Aagma (temple related rules for prayers,
rituals and construction). Vedas constitute Sruti. The four Vedas: Rig, Saama, Yajur and Atharva
are treasured as the most ancient heritage and Hindus believe that Vedas are eternal and never
created! The subject-matter of Vedas is classified into three categories: Karma, Upasanaa, and
jnana. Karma discusses obligations of each individual. Upasanaa provides guidance for divine
communion and worship. Jnana is the philosophical disquisition about Brahman, the supreme
reality. These philosophical discussions in the last portions of each Veda are known as Upanishads.
Scriptures, compiled by the great sages, Yajnavalkya, Manu and Parasara are known as Smriti .
Itihasa comprises of the two epics: Ramayana and Mahabharata written respectively by sages
Valmiki and Vedavyasa. Vedavyasa also wrote the eighteen Puranas and eighteen
Upa(sub)-puranas. Each purana emphasizes a specific Hindu value and dramatizes a story with a
virtuous hero, an evil villain, and supporting characters on either side! In general, the hero is a
favored deity, who represents the Supreme Reality and others become demigods and play
subordinate roles. Aagmas define elaborate rules for temple construction and rules for conducting
rituals and prayers in the temple premises.


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