The present, added on to some period of time-becomes future. The present plus time is the future. So our present work plus the time in which we do and achieve things together becomes the future world. The future is not a continuity of the present world - it can never be. The present world is being handled, dandled, destroyed and created through this given period of time, and what remains will be the future world - good or bad, created or destroyed. 3. ESSENCE OF DIVINE LIFE -2.



All Members,

 Respected family members of this great holy Nation.



(Sri Swami Sivananda)

Ref : The present, added on to some period of time-becomes future. The present plus time is the future. So our present work plus the time in which we do and achieve things together becomes the future world. The future is not a continuity of the present world - it can never be. The present world is being handled, dandled, destroyed and created through this given period of time, and what remains will be the future world - good or bad, created or destroyed.

1. Aspire ceaselessly to live in the Divine. Strive ceaselessly to realise the truth. . Work untiringly for the good of others.

2. To have faith and devotion, to serve the preceptor and the saints, to practise meditation, an to attain Self-knowledge is indeed a supreme blessing. Without self-restraint there is no Divine Life.

3. Do not mix much with people, but be friendly to all.  Children of Immortality! Arise, awake and lead the Divine Life of truth, purity, love and goodness.

4. Be merciful to all. Be kind to all. Love all. Renounce sensual pleasures. Meditate on the Supreme Being. This is Divine Life.

5. The world is a composite whole. Do not entertain the spirit of separateness. In your heart and mind, be one with all.

6. The individual soul has to merge in the Cosmic Self. Human life has to transform itself into Divine Life. This is the Goal.

7. Find out your centre. Dwell always in this centre. This centre is the Atman, your innermost being.

8. Realise your real nature. Realise your Atman. A lion should not bleat like a lamb.

9. Do not be pessimistic. Do not be negative in your approach. Be always optimistic and positive.

10. Your only duty is God-realisation. All other duties should only serve as a means to this final goal.

11.Put aside sorrow and grief. Identify not yourself with the perishable body and mind. You are the immortal Atman. Why should you grieve, when your real nature is joy eternal?

12. To get established in the Self, to do charitable and noble deeds, to be pure at heart,—this is indeed a supreme blessing. Spiritualise your activities. Dedicate all your actions as an offering to God.

13. Practise detachment and self-surrender. Live in God. Awake from the slumber of ignorance. Be dispassionate.

14. Learn to discriminate. Meditate. Sleep no more! Behold the dawn of wisdom in your heart.

15. Lift the veil of human imperfections. Behold your real divine nature.

Thank you for reading


To be continued  ...


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