
Showing posts from March, 2013


  According to the Upanishads, the key to cosmic consciousness, to God-consciousness, is in the consciousness of the soul. To know our soul apart from the self is the first step towards the realisation of the supreme deliverance. We must know with absolute certainty that essentially we are spirit. This we can do by winning mastery over self, by rising above all pride and greed and fear, by knowing that worldly losses and physical death can take nothing away from the truth and the greatness of our soul. The chick knows when it breaks through the self-centered isolation of its egg that the hard shell which covered it so long was not really a part of its life. That shell is a dead thing, it has no growth, it affords no glimpse whatever of the vast beyond that lies outside it. However pleasantly perfect and rounded it may be, it must be given a blow to, it must be burst through and thereby the freedom of light and air be won, and the complete purpose of bird life be achieved. I...


"He who crosses this ocean of Moha and destroys the Rakshasas,—Raga and Dvesha (likes and dislikes),—is a Yogin who is united with Santi or Peace, ever rests in Atman, and enjoys the eternal bliss. Sri Rama stands for the 'Good' (Sattva); Ravana for the 'Evil'. Sri Rama and Ravana fought with each other. Eventually Sri Rama became victorious. The positive always overcomes the negative. Good always overcomes evil."  


1. As a consequence of the individual's  cultivated imperfections and spiritual ignorance he develops desires in his mind for the satisfaction of which he does karmas-----good, bad and indifferent, 2. and thus earns a wealth of reactions  to be suffered or enjoyed in unending future births 3. As a consequence of their indifference to their own real nature they develop an acute sense of ego and the consequent pain-riddled varieties of 'I'-ness and 'my'-ness.


1. Rude shock in life such as loss of property, sudden bereavements, disappointments in love and such other causes may temporarily make us realize the falsity of the values lived by us  in our daily life of competition and selfishness. 2. Man, under this stress in life, comes to entertain, a seemingly healthy Vairagya ( undisturbed ) ! 3. But this is only a passing mood. 4. In many of us this mood does come at some time  or the other, but soon it passes of as an weak impulse. 5. This state, temporary opening of our mind  to the hollowness of life as lived by us, is indicated by the word "Arise." 6. At this state, the seeker is not fully aware of the very change that has taken place in him. 7. Hence the Rishi speak out "Awake" : meaning that the one who has, under the lash of circumstances, come to accomplish the command "arise" should try his best to come to a fuller realization of what has actually happened within him in his ...


1. When we say that we are going to the next room it is a clear indication that we are leaving the spot where we are now and travelling towards a point where now we are not, and where we shall be in time. 2. This movement is possible only when the thing is a limited entity. 3. When it is an all-pervading Truth, it actually cannot go anywhere, since there is  no spot where it is not already. 4. For example, your right hand cannot move into your right hand, since your right hand is all-pervading in your right hand, no two substances can occupy one and the same place during  the same period of time, is a scientific fact known, applauded and appreciated by the modern world. 5. Thus , Atma or the Life-centre is a motionless entity, but seems to be moving when it is conditioned by the mind and functioning as its manifestations, as thought waves! 

"TO LIVE------------------------------------------TO EAT-------"

1.When man, of his own accord, refuses the blessings of his powers of discrimination, which his intellect is capable of, he is deliberately flouting his privileges as man. 2. And when one has thus, of his own free will, chosen to be an animal, certainly nature shall bless him with the sorrows and limitations of the animal beings!! 3. Man alone is the glorious heir to the supreme joy arising out of the knowledge achieved, and therefore, of the lived-Perfections. 4. It is the lot of animals "to live to eat"suffer meekly the gruesome burden of voiceless sorrows and live a life of delusions and empty joys. 5. The Sruti ( Rishies words, passed on to generation after generation) here clearly points out that  the men of no self-control, not only fail to reach the Supreme State of Joy and Peace,  6. but also fall back into the sorrow-pit at the very center of the whirl of birth and death ( Samsaram ca adhigacchati).       


1. There are some who place an undue importance on merely attending Satsangams.  2. Such men are ready to undergo any amount of botheration, undertake any long journey, and however often it needs be, only if they can be in a hall where some spiritual discourse is in full swing. 3. And having reached the hall many of them invariably discover a comfortable corner where, in the diffused light, they can gloriously retire and, leaning on a wall  or pillar, can silently set their minds to race backwards towards their homes and friends! 4. Bodily they sit in the Satsangam but mentally they are closed bottles ever revelling in their own poison contents!!


1. Why should we, at all have a Guru (teacher)? This is often asked by almost all the modern educated class of people. 2. But they once forget, that when even as mechanical an art as typewriting cannot be mastered without an instructor, 3. no one can pursue the Path of Self-Realization without the help of a Master.  


1.   The street lamp in its nature throws a pool of light on the road. 2. Whatever portion of the passing by  come into that light, gets illuminated so long as it remains within the area lit up. 3. The lamp is a mere witness; the light neither dances in joy when a honey-mooning couple passes that way,  4. nor does the light reel in drunkenness when a traveller passes by, nor does it weep when it comes to illuminate a tearful funeral procession. 5. Irrespective of the merits or demerits of the scene, the light, in its own nature, brightens up that which comes within its illuminated arena. 6. Similarly, there is an all-pervading eternal light-of-Wisdom, the Divine Spark within us  7. which is the source of all life and light and by which we become aware of the vice and virtue idea in our mind and intellect. 8. Certainly this great Witness, the Atma, is that which is other than virtue and vice, being itself only a witness.   ...


1. When a perfect human being who has ended all his misunderstandings about himself and has come to the knowledge that he is the Supreme Awareness in himself, he, his Absolute Sense of Perfection, 2. shall desire no more for anything that the world of the sense-objects can give. 3. Such a perfected one is a God-man upon earth. 4. This is the goal pointed out by the greatest of all religions known to human beings, Hinduism. 5. The religion of Vedanta calls upon man to rediscover himself to be nothing short of God Himself. 6. And when a mortal has fully realized and come to live continuously the god-consciousness, him, certainly, no sorrows can approach. 7. If there be but a generation of such supermen, will it not satisfactorily solve all our problems: political, economic, cultural and religious!  8. In fact even when a man has just begun to live the life of the spirit, all the above-mentioned problems of life  will recede as though at the ...


1. Even today, long after we have forgotten our own great Upanisads.  2. Our religion has become hollow and without any significance  to us because of our  unintelligent way of living our religion. 3. A parrot like repetition of mantras, in a language  unknown to us, without seeking to understand its meaning , 4. in itself will not and cannot give benefit at all. 5. First learn the mantram in your mother tongue, from Samskritam, then chant them, it is the intelligent way of living with mantram.


1. All that man has to do to become God is to renounce totally his ego-centric vanity, 2. and the satanic murmurings of his own impure mind of uncontrolled devilry! 3. Detached from the false, attach yourself to the Truth!! 4. Therein lies the true redemption and all successes and achievements.


1. We find in Kenopanisad that the instrument of eye, in itself, is not competent to see the external objects. 2. If the eyes were to see of their own accord, then if you were to pluck out  your eyes and place them on the table they should be able to continue seeing things by themselves; this you know is absurd.  3. Again, a dead man whose eyes are intact, even though he is starting on with open eyes, you, from your practical knowledge of life, know for certain that the open eyes of the dead see nothing. 4. From the above it is amply clear that the human eye is only an instrument to see and that it is to be used by a Seer ( Chaithanyam ) within.  


1. Rituals have certainly a place in the technique of Self-perfection. 2. They are means to a greater end. 3. But, a majority  of Hindus have come to confuse the means to be the fulfillment in themselves. 4. They refuse to rise higher than the rituals. 5. And mother Sruti is here mercilessly whipping such ignorant devotees to greater endeavour and higher achievements. 


1. Desire, we found, can rise only when there is a sense of imperfection in us, 2. Soon after a full dinner, at least for some time, will not desire for something to eat; 3. For the time being there is no lack of food within him. 4. Soon, after a couple of hours, he may desire for some thing light to eat! 5. Here he has started feeling a sense of incompleteness, hence the desire. 


1. Half-understanding of our Scriptures is more dangerous than not knowing it at all. 2. It is probably, the half-learned book-worms that have brought about in Bharatham the tragic tradition that the realized  saint has, after the Self-discovery, no work to perform. 3. There are no doubt, statements to that effect in the scriptures, but therein, any one who is well initiated into the truth of the literature can understand that Sruti has meant only the renunciation of all desire-prompted egoistic actions. 4. This statement cannot and should not be taken no mean a licence of inaction or a merciless indifference to the needs of the times and to the sufferings of the generation. 5. It is only in the interpretation of decadent Hinduism, given out by a self-indulgent pandita-class mainly to an audience who are themselves idle and ineffective, that such distortion of our noble philosophy has come to be perpetuated. 6. Renascent Hinduism cannot and will not willingl...


1. Too many fasts, too many sleepless nights, very long and painful pilgrimages, endurance-feats in the Puja-rooms etc, 2. Are all undertaken and diligently pursued by some aspirants, 3. In the hope of of gathering a large return of spiritual development, 4. In a short period, at compound interest! 5. The science of Self-Perfection denies all such blitz movements, 6. Any chance at all in storming the citadel of 'TRUTH', 7. Lord, never likes excessive austerity.


1. Your strength: is not your body, 2. Your strength: is not your (Others) relatives, etc; 3. Your strength:  is not your wealth, 4. Your strength is as on above, if you think so : you are under delusion (moha) (wrong notions). 5.Your strength : is Paramatma, which is always with you, most people not aware of this!


" Majority seekers when attempt meditation, once they close their eyes fall into sleep, this is not meditation. Meditation is Turiyam the fourth quarter of the Atma. The first three quarters are waking state, dream state, deep-sleep state. Then Turiyam is the fourth and last state where it is "ANANDAM"an experience of Bliss state. Meditation leads to Turiyam a great experience to all seekers." 


Deva means:- 1. He who shines; gives light; 2. He who bestows wealth; 3. He who causes good health; 4.He who shows the path; 5. He who makes others shine; 6. He who sends out music; 7. He imparts knowledge and wisdom.


1. Stick to Sadhana (Practice spiritualism) 2. Be good. 3. Be kind. 4. Be sincere. 5. Purify your motives. 6. Build life upon the enduring values of Love and Mercy, Charity and Purity. 7. Through constant remembrance of the Lord rise in spiritualism. 8. Gurus shall, from time to time, reach such a determined sincere seeker.


1 . It has been indicated that the external sense-organs ( Indriyas ) and the Intellect are not capable of functioning by  themselves, but are motivated by a power within our body. 2. Road of perfection is long and arduous and the 'Jnana Margam' ( path of knowledge ) of the Upanisads is not for many people, but only for the chosen few. 3. There is a greater purpose in life than mere eating, drinking, breeding, and making merry. 4. All human beings are blessed with the 'Divine Light' ( Chaithanyam ), even though they may not be aware of it. 5. Truth need not enter into the Soul, for, it is there already. 6. Vedas, Upanisads, all scriptures are our news papers, Satsangams is our club talks, meeting Mahatmas, Jnanis, is our interactions with the society.   ( Kenopanisad).


Knowledge versus Action:- 1.Outward activities :- ( Avidya [ignorance] and Karma)- a). Ritualistic activities:- For fruits of Desires.......leads to Blinding Darkness ( Pithruloka( Heaven) ). 2. Inward activities:- (Vidya [Knowledge] and Upasana)- b). As though a greater Darkness..... but not a real Darkness... leads to Devaloka.


1. Discrimination---(Viveka)---Between the real and the unreal. 2. Renunciation---(Vairagya)---Of the mind. 3. Six virtues/Treasures---(Shatsampatti)---Of self control. 4. Longing for liberation---(mumukshuta).


1. For all living creatures, a human birth is indeed rare; much more difficult to attain full manhood; rather than is a Sattvic attitude in life. 2. Even after gaining all these rare chances, to have steadfastness on the spiritual path as explained in vedic literature is yet rare; much more to have a correct understanding of the deep impact of the scriptures. 3. Discrimination between the Real and the Unreal, a personal realization of spiritual Glory and ultimately to get fully established in the living consciousness that the Self ( Atma ) in me is the Self  (Atma ) in all............................................., 4. These come only later on, and culminate in one's liberation. 5. This kind of perfect liberation cannot be obtained without meritorious  deeds  of many millions of well-lived lives. 


1." What do we really want?" -------------------------------------/ The Bharatheeya atmeeyam classifies all human pursuits into four broad categories: 1. kama (pleasure), 2. arth(wealth/security), 3. dharma ( righteousness), and 4. moksha ( freedom ). 2. "Purushartha":- This classification provides an ideal infrastructure for the accomplishment of human ends, called purushartha in sanskrit. The first  three pursuits are seen as the 'material goals,' while the last pursuit ---moksha---is considered as the 'spiritual goal' culminating in Self-knowledge. According to this philosophy, all goals of life must lead to the ultimate goal of freedom because without accomplishing spiritual freedom, human life is not deemed as fulfilled. 3. "More wants and more regrets":- In fact that freedom alone gives the sense of fulfillment at the time of death. Without attaining this spiritual freedom ( moksha ) the total sense of fulfil...


"All perishable finite things undergo modifications":- -------------------------------------------------------------------/ The entire set of modifications are classified under five headings, namely, 1. birth, 2. growth, 3. disease, 4. decay, 5. death. "The soul (Atma) is not born, only the body is born, soul is already exists." "The soul does not die as it is not born, soul is already exists."  "Vyavarikam:- Sun rises and sets, when viewed from earth." it is a practical truth. "Paramarthikam:- Sun neither rises nor sets." when viewed from the sun. it is a real truth. "Atma did not spring from anything, and nothing spring from Atma." "WHEN BODY IS DESTROYED , NO DESTRUCTION TO ATMA." What is after death? this the third boon Nachikethas asked Yama the Lord of death, Lord Yama has given the boon, that is explained above. and finally told Nachikethas the Supreme 'OM' (A-U-M) "OMK...